It's not just a patch of green for us; it's a piece of the planet we're committed to nurturing.
Last week, I started a new adventure by joining a community of solo professionals, just like me, at a two-day summit. It's the kind of place where you end up chatting about the things that light up your life, beyond just work stuff. For me, that's always been my garden. Anyone who stopped for a chat with me got an earful about it! I've got this photo here that shows the view from my deck—our little backyard oasis that we've poured our hearts and souls into.

It's not just a patch of green for us; it's a piece of the planet we're committed to nurturing. Our garden has become a bit of a local hotspot for birds. We've got a pair of Tawny Frogmouths that recently had two adorable chicks, a family of Butcher Birds that hang around, and even a group of Australian Noisy Miner Birds that seem to think they own the skies above.

Not to mention, we're visited by Magpies, King Parrots, Rainbow Lorikeets, Kookaburras, Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos, Corella Cockatoos of both the long and short beaked variety, Rose-breasted Galah Cockatoos, and every now and then, a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo drops by. It's pretty lively in our backyard, and I wouldn't have it any other way! 😄
The 10% Differentiator - OUT NOW!
Imagine someone with all the right skills and knowledge. What's that little extra they need to focus on? It's simple things: building relationships, listening to feedback, really getting to know others, and showing they care. These small actions make a big difference in being a great leader.
These observations inspired my research and became the driving force behind my new book.
Join me on a transformative journey to unlock your '10% Differentiator' and propel your organisation and leadership to extraordinary success.