Starting your day in the right frame of mind sets you up for success.
1. Ideas, Insights and Inspirations
It is a known statistic that 70% of all change management efforts fail. One reason for this is that we underestimate the energy and effort it takes to get to the other side of change i.e. to implement the change.
The other reason is that we identify the wrong problem to solve. We are very good at coming up with a new strategy, but identifying what the real problems and pain points are, not so. Have we spent the time with customers, stakeholders, and employees to understand what is it that they are actually thinking, saying, feeling or doing?
There is a good reason why design thinking and empathy principles are so successful when dealing with change.
2. Reflections

Work-life integration does not imply working all the time, but fluidly shifting priorities based on immediate needs, sometimes giving more attention to work and other times to personal or family issues.
3. Tools for Transformation
If you find yourself getting bogged down and overwhelmed by all the 'noise', try starting your day doing something you enjoy. Even if it means getting up just that little bit earlier, spend time getting into a positive mindset.
Starting your day in the right frame of mind sets you up for success.

Enjoying a morning coffee and watching the birds in my garden sets the tone for me.
The 10% Differentiator - OUT NOW!

Imagine someone with all the right skills and knowledge. What's that little extra they need to focus on? It's simple things: building relationships, listening to feedback, really getting to know others, and showing they care. These small actions make a big difference in being a great leader.
These observations inspired my research and became the driving force behind my new book.
Join me on a transformative journey to unlock your '10% Differentiator' and propel your organisation and leadership to extraordinary success.