Getting into Your Emotions

In the world of leadership, emotions often take a back seat as many leaders strive to maintain a façade of stoicism and factual engagement. However, emotions are not just inevitable but essential, revealing the authentic self and enhancing connections within the workplace.

What if We Treat Change like an Experiment

Approaching lifestyle or leadership changes with the mindset of undertaking a manageable 4km walk rather than a daunting marathon can significantly ease the transition process. It’s about perceiving change as experimental, achievable and gratifying, not overwhelming.

We Have All The Answers

It is a known statistic that 70% of all change management efforts fail. One reason for this is that we underestimate the energy and effort it takes to get to the other side of change i.e. to implement the change.

The other reason is that we identify the wrong problem to solve.

Looking After Our Piece of Earth

It’s not just a patch of green for us; it’s a piece of the planet we’re committed to nurturing. Last week, I started a new adventure by joining a community of solo professionals, just like me, at a two-day summit. It’s the kind of place where you end up chatting about the things that light[…..]