How Change Creates Noise – and what to do about it

Noise is also part of organisations going through change. To become a more effective, high-performing leader, one must be willing to change leadership processes, systems, and mindset. These changes along with changes in policies, leadership, or direction may lead to uncertainty and anxiety.

Beyond the Norm: The ‘10% Differentiator’ and the Journey to Organisational Excellence

The 10% Differentiator is not about a quantifiable numerical increase in performance or skill. Rather, it symbolises the additional capacity a leader requires to drive an organisation, manage a project, or oversee a department beyond the accepted norm we have grown accustomed to. It represents the unique attributes or processes propelling one from being ‘good enough’ to achieving ‘excellence’.

Reflection on The Great Ocean Road

As I look back on 2023 and throughout past interactions with leaders from different backgrounds and in different roles, a shared set of challenges consistently emerges. This pattern reveals that the challenges facing leaders today are not so much about their core skills or even their tenure in leadership. They are more about the nuances in their interactions that they would often miss.