Are you a leader struggling to make your voice heard in executive meetings? Join me as I delve into the journey of a leader who, despite his deep expertise and knowledge, found it challenging to assert his presence in a room filled with dominant personalities. By mastering the art of asking questions, he transformed his engagement and became a confident, valued contributor. Read on to uncover practical strategies that can help you navigate similar challenges and ensure your voice is heard.
As businesses around the world transition from traditional office settings to flexible hybrid work environments, they face new challenges and opportunities. This shift requires companies to rethink their approaches to work and learning to ensure they maintain productivity and keep their teams engaged.
Running a large team in a B2B environment comes with its own set of challenges, especially when you’re constantly aiming for business growth. Often, leaders find themselves trapped in a cycle of managing existing customer relationships while trying to scout for new business opportunities. This dual demand can create a significant strain, not just on resources, but on the strategic focus of team leaders.
During a recent coaching session with a business leader, we had a deep discussion about creativity and innovation – or the lack thereof – in his department. He expressed a common frustration: feeling like he was the sole source of new ideas and creativity. This was a heavy burden, especially since innovation is crucial for business growth.