Accountability is ensuring everyone is not only doing their part well, but willingly
1. Ideas, Insights and Inspirations
In conversations with leaders, a common theme often emerges: the overwhelming feeling of managing a never-ending to-do list and prioritising a barrage of deliverables. It's easy to feel lost, unsure of what to tackle first or next. However, gaining control over this chaos is exactly what sets an influential leader apart.
To be truly effective and inspiring as a leader, you need to master three core areas:
- Priority Management: Determining what needs your immediate attention and what can wait is crucial. Not everything can be a priority, despite how it may seem. Deciding which tasks have the greatest impact or are easiest to implement helps clear the fog.
- Productivity Management: It's important to reflect on your productivity. How do you feel at the end of the day? Frustrated or fulfilled? Adjusting your approach can significantly change your productivity levels.
- Energy Management: Understanding when and how you work best can transform your day. Knowing your peak creative times and structuring your schedule around them can maximise your effectiveness.
These elements are foundational for taking charge and feeling in control—key traits of influential leadership.
2. Reflections

3. Tools for Transformation
If you're ready to transform how you lead and manage, our "Influential Leadership" workshop is for you. We'll dive into practical methods for managing priorities, productivity, and energy. You'll learn to identify what's truly important, optimise your day for maximum efficiency, and harness your peak times for creative work. This hands-on workshop will equip you with the tools and techniques needed to make tangible progress back at your workplace.
Gain control, boost your leadership influence, and start making a real difference. Join us to become the leader you aspire to be!
Click on the link HERE to get more information, download the guide, and let’s connect!
The 10% Differentiator - OUT NOW!

Imagine someone with all the right skills and knowledge. What's that little extra they need to focus on? It's simple things: building relationships, listening to feedback, really getting to know others, and showing they care. These small actions make a big difference in being a great leader.
These observations inspired my research and became the driving force behind my new book.
Join me on a transformative journey to unlock your '10% Differentiator' and propel your organisation and leadership to extraordinary success.